Welcome to Wake Up. Be Alive. I am super happy to be with you today. And I’m happy to tell you that today’s show is going to be about ‘what is waking up’? How can you get there? And we’re going to go and dive directly right into that.
Waking up. It’s about coming out of the hypnosis, the hypnosis of this world, of society, of everything we’ve been told and conditioned to be – and of believing things that we never question. It’s about coming back to our essence, to the source of everything – to one consciousness that is always there. Waking up is actually realizing that we have only one source. And that everything and everyone is coming from that same source, that my enemy, who I see as my enemy – that you, me, the tree, the car, the thoughts that are going on in my mind, the emotion that I’m feeling, the anger that someone’s throwing at me, whatever it is: the earth, the universe as only one source, and it’s one and the same for everyone and everything. When we wake up to that oneness to that one source, what is happening is that we realize that we are all interconnected, that everything is linked with everything and that everyone is related to everyone. And therefore, we’re never apart from anything or anyone. We are never disconnected. We’re never alone in some way. We can never be lonely ever again. We can never feel that something is going wrong because we know that there is a grand order of things. We know that everything That’s happening is happening for a reason, it’s in Divine Order. We might not see why it’s happening, but we know that there is a reason for it to be exactly as it is. That is the perfection of all things. And on the screen of what’s happening because it’s a bit like as if we are, you know, someone coming to a movie theater, watching a movie, the movie that we’re watching is called my life. And what I am is the person sitting in that seat, watching the unfolding of the movie on the screen. When we think we are on the screen in the movie, and that we are the ones actually acting and playing out the movie, then we suffer. When we realize that we are the watcher, the one sitting in the seat, then you can see that there is a space there – a distance between what is happening on the screen, and me sitting in the seat.
Waking up, I would say to make it very easy and practical, is about realizing that I am the one sitting in the seat, watching the movie of what I call my life unfolding. And the more you step back in being in the seat and being the watcher, the observer of the screen of the movie that’s going on in your life, then there is a space and that space is actually creating joy, happiness, far less reaction, much more peace of mind. And also, you find that there is much more connection, meaning and plenty of new perspectives and opportunities in your life. Because you realize that there was something greater at play than what you thought was going on. And in that, you start to connect more and more with the divine that’s playing out everything. And in this playing out, you start to realize that you are not aware of the grand order of things. But when you let go of the need to control everything that’s going on, when you realize that everything is in perfect divine order, you don’t see things the same way. You don’t react the same way because you know that if that is going on, it doesn’t mean anything about you. You don’t take things personally. You leave things as they are, and you just follow what’s true for you. And when you follow what’s true for you, you start to live by the rules of your heart, you start to live by the rules of a higher consciousness. Which includes everyone and everything. And not just me, me, me, and what I’m going to gain from it, which is really more the separation point of view, the perspective that I am by myself separate from my source separate from everyone else. I’m lonely and lacking and fearful, which is the point of view of I’m separated from a source. And when I live from there my reality is all about that. My reality is all about getting and getting and getting. But when I realized that I am the watcher, the one sitting in the seat, I am the one consciousness that permeates through it all, and that no matter what’s going on, it doesn’t mean anything about me and I don’t have to take anything personally. What’s going on there is that I feel connected. I feel whole. I feel complete. I don’t feel I’m lacking anything. And I feel that everything that is coming to my mind, to my heart, to my life is actually a bonus. I feel full of love inside. I feel that I can give everything because giving is my true nature. Love is my true nature. Abundance is my true nature. And the more I reconnect with who I am in truth with this watcher – the witness of it all – the more I am feeling grateful, loving, caring, sharing – because all these are qualities of who we truly are. So, if you find yourself in a very dark period, if you find yourself suffering, in pain, grieving, or you have gone through so much abuse or so much pain and suffering in your life? Or if you feel that you don’t know what’s the meaning of it all, why are we here, I really invite you to start to take a step back, to start to look at, if I’m aware of it all, there must be something great or ugly.
There must be something that is before the pain, before the suffering, before the loss of meaning, the lack of meaning, and that thing that is before is what you are. And the more you sit back and connect to what you are, and watch the unfolding of your life, the play that’s there on the screen of your life, the more you’re going to feel fulfilled by just being and you’re going to reconnect with the joy that’s always there. You’re going to start to feel more peace within yourself.
And that is what waking up is all about. So when you come to this show, you’re going to learn plenty of insights. And I’m going to call you back constantly to that perspective. Sometimes we also call it the present moment. The present moment is not in time. It’s not between the past and the future. The present moment is a moment that is out of time. It’s when sometimes you see a rainbow and you’re like, ah, wow. In that moment of wonder, time just stopped. Or you watch the sunset and you’re with your lover, and you hold hands. And you watch and it’s like this moment can last forever. That is the present moment. You are out of time.
So, I’m going to call you back over and over again to come to this present moment, to come to what I also called presence. And I’m going to teach you how to train yourself to constantly come back to this present moment, to this moment, what is here and now. Because there is magic and there is the reset button, the place where you can change it all. This is the most powerful place you can make a new choice. You can see from another point of view, you can have a new perspective on things and that perspective – a separation from where suffering is happening – will bring you to abundance, connection, love, sharing and giving and that is where you will find true meaning for your life. That is waking up.
What about being alive? Well, can you imagine that if you connect to this abundance, if you connect to feeling whole, if you connect to being the watcher of everything and not being caught up in thought, and not being caught up in the emotion of everything that’s going on on the screen, on the movie, but you are the watcher in your seat, what’s happening, the watcher can still feel what’s going on. But it doesn’t jump on the screen, it doesn’t react. It doesn’t be, it is not angry. So there you have more space. And when you have more space to be able to watch it all and to be able to take a step back. What’s happening there is that you connect with something so much greater. And when you connect with that which is greater, you feel alive. You connect with your purpose, with who you are in truth with, why am I on this earth, you start to reconnect with the joy that has no cause. And when you connect with the joy that has no cause, you start to live by the rules of your heart. And there is an inspiration. You stop living to feel that you ‘have to’, that you ‘should’, but you start to live from, ‘I want to’, ‘I would like to’, ‘I’m gonna give’, ‘I’m gonna share’, ‘I’m going to make the best of each and every moment’ and you start to feel that alive and it’s within you. You get up every morning and you get excited to get up. Why? Just because you are alive. You realize how precious life is precious, and every day you are given another chance to turn it all around. Another chance, to live the very best day that you ever had in your life. And you take it and you take it and every day you take it because you realize that life is so precious. You only have one and you can do everything you want. Because of your true nature, this abundance is actually unlimited. There is no beginning. There was no end. Just the present moment. There is no beginning. There is no end. It’s just now and here. And in this moment can you see that if you don’t believe any of the thoughts going on through your mind right now, and you just sit exactly where you are, with whatever’s going on for you, and if you don’t go into thinking, and you’re just there…Can you see that this moment is exactly how it should be? That nothing could ever be different? Can you see that there is no problem? Can you see that this is complete as it is?
This is where I’m going to bring you back every time we’re going to connect together. And this is presence. And the more you get to come back here, the more you’re going to come back to this moment, the more you’re going to come back to being the watcher of the whole play called your life. More happiness, joy, presence, connection in your relationships. Abundance in your life, purpose, meaning. And that’s why I decided to create this show. Because I want you to have it all. I know what it is, it completely transformed me. It completely changed my life, since I discovered what it is to be in service to the whole. It gave meaning to my life. And I want you to have what I have. I discovered something. And I think it’s really available for all of us. And now is the time to share it and to make it yours. So I’m going to teach you together. We’re going to go for it together, we’re going to hold hands and we are going to go for the highest of the highest. Because now is the time. So come back next week, and we’ll go a step further. Thank you!
Have a great week!
This is where I’m going to bring you back every time we’re going to connect together. And this is presence. And the more you get to come back here, the more you’re going to come back to this moment, the more you’re going to come back to being the watcher of the whole play called your life. More happiness, joy, presence, connection in your relationships. Abundance in your life, purpose, meaning. And that’s why I decided to create this show. Because I want you to have it all. I know what it is, it completely transformed me. It completely changed my life, since I discovered what it is to be in service to the whole. It gave meaning to my life. And I want you to have what I have. I discovered something. And I think it’s really available for all of us. And now is the time to share it and to make it yours.